Tuesday 18 December 2018

Maths Term 3

Maths Term 3


Statistics Goal: Brook will participate in statistical activities and language.
Evaluation: Learner. Brooke can participate in statistical activities and language.
Next Steps: Brook will continue to learn more about maths with statistics and collating this information.


Numeracy Goal: Brooke will practice addition and subtraction skills
Evaluation: Improver. Brook continues to be confident adding and subtracting in the range of 10. She is learning to add larger numbers to 30 using numicon to assist with the visuals. 
Next Steps: Brook will continue practicing these skills with and without numicon. 

ILP GOAL - Communication Term 3

ILP GOAL - Communication Term 3 

Communication Goal: Brooke will describe her emotions and feelings in more detail, which includes 'why'.
Evaluation: Beginner. Brooke is learning her emotions in our Thematic Unit. She is starting to recognise emotions and starting to explain why she has the emotion e.g. sad because someone said something mean to her.
Next Steps: Brooke will continue practicing these skills when asked 'how are you feeling' and 'why are you feeling like that'?


Literacy Term 4

Literacy 2018 Term 3

Written Learning Goal: Brooke will learn to write a letter.
Evaluation: Beginner. This term Brooke has begun learning about writing down his own ideas in the form of a letter. She has listened while we have written class letters as a group.
Next Steps: Continue listening to letters.

Oral Language Goal: Brooke will present her letter to an audience.
Evaluation: Beginner. Brooke is learning to read her letter with the teacher.
Next Steps: Continue to have Brooke presenting more of her work to gain confidence with this skill.

Reading Goal: Early words Level
Evaluation: Beginner. Brooke is doing well reading at Early words level, where she is listening to words. She does well learning new letters and there sounds.
Next Steps: Continue reading at Early words level.

Managing Self

Managing Self

Managing Self Goal: Brooke will safely prepare and make a sandwich and then cut this up using a knife and fork to eat with.
Evaluation: Beginner. Brooke can cut up food items with a knife, such as a sandwich. She can use a knife and fork to eat food items. With some prompting at times, she will hold the knife and fork correctly.
Next Steps: Brooke will continue practicing to prepare a sandwich for her lunch once a week and then eat this with utensils.

Saturday 8 December 2018

Physical Exercise

Physical Exercise

PE Goal: Brooke will participate in learning games, including; Duck Duck Goose, Dodge Ball and What’s the Time Mr Wolf.
Evaluation: Learner. Brooke can participate in games including Duck Duck Goose, What's the time Mr Wolf and follow the leader. She also participates in a run/walk around West Rolleston School each day.
Next Steps: Brooke will learn 2 new games next term.

Soccer Term 3

Soccer Goal: Brooke will participate in activities to learn soccer skills.
Evaluation: Independent. Brooke can move the ball with her feet, kicking off the cone and aiming the kick to score a goal. Brooke always has a go at everything we introduced.
Next Steps: Brooke will keep practicing her soccer skill.

PMP Term 3 

PMP Goal: Brooke will participate in PMP sessions which include movement to music and a rotation including a variety of exercises.
Evaluation: Learner. Brooke can participate in a variety of motor movement which challenge her physically.
Next Steps: Brooke will continue PMP activities to keep challenging her physically.

PMP activities this half of the year have focused on movement to music and small games which incorporate coordination, balance, body awareness, turn taking and rhythm all while following instructions. Students then move to small group circuit work consisting of pencil rolls to develop core strength, scooterboards for upper body strength, obstacles for coordination and motor planning and crawling through a tunnel aimed at improving bilateral movement, core strength and coordination.

Sunday 2 December 2018



Shopping Goal: Brooke will put his money skills into practice and purchase 1 or 2 food items from a shop.
Evaluation: Learner. Brooke can use her money skills to purchase one or two items with her $2. We have been visiting New World fortnightly as a class. Brooke is very fond of the chocolate milk and she has been learning about what he can actually purchase with her money.
Next Steps: Brooke will focus on what she can buy for her $2.

Thematic Unit - Emotions

Thematic Unit - Emotions

Thematic Goal: Brooke will engage in physical tasks that encourage her to regulate her emotions. Evaluation: Beginner. Brooke engages in physical tasks that encourage her to regulate his emotions. Brooke can identify 2 emotions.
Next Steps: Brooke will keep practicing regulating her emotions and identify 2 more emotions.



Saturday 24 November 2018

General Comment Term 4 2018

Brooke has settled into Rata extremely well this term. She has shown great independence and confidence by being able to follow a new class routine, establish new friends, and engage in new learning. Brooke has impressed all her peers in the way she takes on new challenges and is willing to engage in all her learning activities. She has been a calm and cheerful addition to Rata, and is liked by many. Brooke has become increasingly interested in the Kapa Haka group, and now attends regularly on Tuesday mornings. Brooke has had a wonderful term, and I look forward to seeing her future successes as she continues her learning in Rata.

Nicole Anderson

Brooke has settled into Rata extremely well after just one term, and all the staff are enjoying her sense of humour and fun.  Her engagement in numeracy and literacy activities has slowly increased and she has adapted to the routines and expectations in our classroom. Brooke displays great communication skills and she likes to take part in most class activities. She has especially been enjoying art, baking and circle time. She also loves spending time in the playground, especially on the red trike. Brooke has already developed great relationships with staff and students at base school and she is very relaxed and happy in this new environment.  I have enjoyed teaching Brooke and feel pleased that I have had a lovely term working with her.  I wish her all the best for the future.

Rhonda Brown

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Swimming Term 4 2018

This term Brooke participated in Rata's swimming outings. The focus for this term was for Brooke to become familiar with going on this outing with her new classmates and understand the classes expectations associated with this outing. In Term 1 2019, Brooke will revisit her swimming learning goals.

ILP's Term 4 2018

This terms focus has been on ensuring Brooke has had a successful transition into Rata. This has meant that Brooke has become very settled, and is happy in her new learning space. Her ILP goals set will be re-visited in Term 1 2019.

Student Voice Term 4 2018

Brooke shows great enjoyment at school with many tasks she engages in. During play and reward times, she loves riding around on the red trike on the playground bike track. On hot days, she loves splashing about in the paddling pool with her peers. Her favourite spot to sit within Rata is in the big red chair. This is where she sits to enjoy Circle Time, and Hi-5 as a reward. Brooke often sits with a reading book in the red chair, flicking through the pages.

Art with Naomi Term 4 2018

Seasonal Art
  • Brooke can explore and use a variety of materials and resources to complete and artwork.
  • Brooke can use a variety of techniques and processes to complete artworks based on seasonal events - ie; Spring, Halloween, Summer, Guy Fawkes, Christmas

Brooke has thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our art lessons this term.  Our artworks have been linked to current events during October through to December.  With some support, Brooke has painted a beautiful spring flowers scene.  She really liked this activity and had clear student voice when choosing colours for the flowers and stems.  We also explored the use of water colours.  Brooke had some guidance to paint over the flowers she had drawn.  She really liked the way the water moved across the page with the colours mixing gently with each other.  For a ‘spooktacular’ halloween artwork, Brooke giggled with the wiggly eyes being attached and was happy with her finished artwork. Tino pai Brooke.

Naomi Williamson Classroom Release Teacher
  • Brooke is a Learner.
  • Brooke is a Learner.

Halloween at Te Rito Harakeke

Rata were kindly invited to Te Rito Harakeke to be apart of their Halloween celebrations. This was a fantastic opportunity for the Rata students to connect with their fellow Waitaha peers at the college. Brooke showed great interest in the Halloween themed sensory room, particularly with the balloons and spider web wall. She participated well in all the wonderful sensory and game activities. There was lots of yummy food that Brooke loved eating.

Theme Term 4 2018

  • Brooke can identify a range of emotions in learning tasks.
  • Brooke can create artwork that is based on emotions.
Brooke can engage in tasks based on identifying emotions using her communication device and the zone of regulation visual. She can communicate how she would feel in 'what if' situations with adult prompting. Brooke can use her communication device to explore things that make her feel happy. During Circle Time, Brooke can point to which zone she is in to communicate how she is feeling. Brooke can engage well in the food exploration sessions. She can decorate her food with adult support to create a face based on an emotion. Brooke can create art work using the zones of regulation colours.

  • Brooke is an Achiever.
  • Brooke is an Achiever.

Literacy Term 4 2018

  • Brooke can engage in a Level 3 reading book.
  • Brooke can use her communication device and visuals to answer ‘who’, ‘doing’, ‘what’ and ‘where’ relating to the  Colourful Semantics images and/or  images of interest.
  • Brooke can sort and categorise familiar objects and images.
  • Brooke can hold a pen or pencil in the writing position and trace name or write it independently.
  • Brooke can make the correct sounds for single letters: s,a,t,p,i,n based on Jolly Phonics.
Brooke can engage well in a Level 3 reading book. She can repeat words within the text, and use her pointing finger with adult support to point to the words within the text. Brooke can point to specific pictures within the text to show her comprehension of the story. Brooke can confidently select the correct visual when given the option of two, to identify who, doing, what and where. With adult prompting, she can competently identify who using her communication device. Brooke can sort and categorise images based on the beach and skiing, and pets and toys. With plenty of repetition, she can do this successfully. Brooke can hold a pencil or pen, and with hand over hand support, trace her pre written name. She can make the correct sounds for the letters 's', 't' and 'p'. 
Next steps: Brooke will continue to use her device to communicate a sentence based on images of interest. She will continue to explore sorting and categorising activities based on experiences that she can relate to. Brooke will continue to focus on making the correct sounds for the letters 'a', 't', 'i', and 'n'.

  • Brooke is an Achiever.
  • Brooke is an Improver.
  • Brooke is an Improver.
  • Brooke is an Improver.
  • Brooke is a Learner.

Maths Term 4 2018

  • Brooke can identify the correct numeral using communication devices when counting a range of materials to 20.
  • Brooke can sequence Numicon numbers and number cards to 20.
  • Brooke can record numerals with some accuracy using Writing Wizard and maths books.
  • Brooke can recognise patterns of 1 and 2.
  • Brooke can understand basic directional and positional language of: in, on, up, down.
Brooke can identify some numbers to 20 with adult support. She is confident at identifying numbers to 10 on number cards using her communication device. Brooke can sequence some numbers to 10 and with adult support, continue to 20. With hand over hand support, Brooke can trace pre written numbers in her math textbook. Brooke can continue a pattern based on coloured teddies when given two coloured options. She can place the correct coloured teddy on the table to complete the pattern. Brooke can choose the correct visuals based on the concept of in, on, up and down. Next steps: Brooke will continue to focus on her number knowledge to 20 using a range of materials. She will continue to attempt to write numbers to 5 by using the correct pencil grip hold and by applying more pressure. Brooke will continue to focus on a range of new math concepts to extend her current knowledge.

  • Brooke is a Learner.
  • Brooke is a Learner.
  • Brooke is an Improver.
  • Brooke is an Achiever.
  • Brooke is an Achiever.

PMP with Sharon Term 4 2018

Brooke has transitioned really well from the PMP programme at TPH to that at Base school. She has enjoyed all of the equipment in the room, especially the various swings available. We are working on following instructions and participating in the correct order of the circuit activities, Brooke has a tendency to gravitate towards her choice of activity rather than follow the order of activities.
Sharon Utteridge

Sunday 1 July 2018

Theme - Royalty Term 2 2018

Learning Intention

1. Brooke will explore and learn about the British Royalty customs and history.
2. Brooke will create food products that represent royalty custom.

In Term 2 our students have been learning about British royal customs and British history in honour of the Royal Wedding celebrated during this term. The media that covered the Royal Wedding made this topic relevant and meaningful for the times and the students enjoyed the activities they participated in.

Brooke made bunting, art displays and learned about the British Royal family and their roles. She also enjoyed making old recipes fit for kings and queens such as mini Victoria sponge, cucumber and radish sandwiches, cherries jubilee and coronation chicken.

Theme - Animals Term 1 2018

Learning Intention

1. Students will enhance their social skills through symbolic play.
2. Students will learn care and management when looking after animals.

During Term 1 to ease our students into a new academic year, the students participated in Symbolic Play activities to enhance their social skills and learning opportunities based on the terms theme Animal Care.

Every afternoon during topic time there were adult led stations that provided social learning scenarios where Brooke learned social skills at a veterinary clinic, a shop, hairdressers and dress up station. Brooke particularly enjoyed being a hairdresser which she did a good job at being.

We also had a successful Pet Open Classroom. Lots of parents came in with a variety of animals to learn about.

Physical Exercise - Term 1 and 2 2018

Term 1
1.Brooke will participate in learning a range of sports that are played at the Commonwealth Games.

Brooke enjoyed exploring sports that were part of the Commonwealth Games which were televised during Term 1. Brooke participated fully in all areas of the games and with minimal support. These activities include Tball (fielding and batting skills) Dodgeball and Duck, Duck, Goose.

Gymnastics Term 2
2. Brooke will participate in floor gymnastics activities.

To continue exploring more around the Commonwealth Games. During Term 2, Brooke has participated in gymnastics where she has created a floor sequence by focusing on individual moves each week, mastering them and then merging it together as a sequence. This includes the pike roll, forward roll, leap, teddy bear roll.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Literacy Term 2 2018

Oral Language
1.Brooke will present a narrative that she has written using her touch chat.

Brooke is a Learner when presenting her narrative using her Touch Chat. An adult will prepare the narrative on her Touch Chat for her and she is learning to select the speech button to present the whole narrative in front of her peers.

Next Steps: Brooke will continue to present her written work to an audience in order to enhance and maintain her oral language skills through her Touch Chat.

2. Brooke will work through the letter PM readers where she will use her TouchChat to locate words using pathways on her Touchchats.

Brooke is an Improver as she confidently works her way through the letter PM books, using her Touch Chat to locate words on her Touch Chat. To locate unfamiliar words this is modelled by an adult using the pink Touch Chat and then she is encouraged to find it herself. Brooke is thoroughly enjoying the reading rotation, she is motivated and likes to look at the Level 1 and 2 PM readers during this time as well.

Next Steps: Brooke will continue to work through the letter PM readers and locate words using the pathways on her Touch Chat. I would like to see Brooke eventually progress onto Level 1 and 2 books in the future.

3.Brooke will learn to write a narrative,using Colourful Semantics symbols.

Brooke is an Achiever when forming a narrative using Colourful Semantics symbols. Firstly Brooke watches and listens to a narrative, such as a fairy tale, She then makes alterations to the characters, theme, or details of the plot, resulting in the creation of her own narrative using a Colourful Semantics visual word bank created on BoardMaker to choose from. Brooke has enjoyed this activity this term and this is demonstrated in her motivation to complete the task.

Next Steps: Brooke will learn how to construct a letter to a friend using a Colourful Semantics visual word bank created on BoardMaker.