Sunday, 1 July 2018

Theme - Royalty Term 2 2018

Learning Intention

1. Brooke will explore and learn about the British Royalty customs and history.
2. Brooke will create food products that represent royalty custom.

In Term 2 our students have been learning about British royal customs and British history in honour of the Royal Wedding celebrated during this term. The media that covered the Royal Wedding made this topic relevant and meaningful for the times and the students enjoyed the activities they participated in.

Brooke made bunting, art displays and learned about the British Royal family and their roles. She also enjoyed making old recipes fit for kings and queens such as mini Victoria sponge, cucumber and radish sandwiches, cherries jubilee and coronation chicken.

Theme - Animals Term 1 2018

Learning Intention

1. Students will enhance their social skills through symbolic play.
2. Students will learn care and management when looking after animals.

During Term 1 to ease our students into a new academic year, the students participated in Symbolic Play activities to enhance their social skills and learning opportunities based on the terms theme Animal Care.

Every afternoon during topic time there were adult led stations that provided social learning scenarios where Brooke learned social skills at a veterinary clinic, a shop, hairdressers and dress up station. Brooke particularly enjoyed being a hairdresser which she did a good job at being.

We also had a successful Pet Open Classroom. Lots of parents came in with a variety of animals to learn about.

Physical Exercise - Term 1 and 2 2018

Term 1
1.Brooke will participate in learning a range of sports that are played at the Commonwealth Games.

Brooke enjoyed exploring sports that were part of the Commonwealth Games which were televised during Term 1. Brooke participated fully in all areas of the games and with minimal support. These activities include Tball (fielding and batting skills) Dodgeball and Duck, Duck, Goose.

Gymnastics Term 2
2. Brooke will participate in floor gymnastics activities.

To continue exploring more around the Commonwealth Games. During Term 2, Brooke has participated in gymnastics where she has created a floor sequence by focusing on individual moves each week, mastering them and then merging it together as a sequence. This includes the pike roll, forward roll, leap, teddy bear roll.