Thursday, 28 June 2018

Literacy Term 2 2018

Oral Language
1.Brooke will present a narrative that she has written using her touch chat.

Brooke is a Learner when presenting her narrative using her Touch Chat. An adult will prepare the narrative on her Touch Chat for her and she is learning to select the speech button to present the whole narrative in front of her peers.

Next Steps: Brooke will continue to present her written work to an audience in order to enhance and maintain her oral language skills through her Touch Chat.

2. Brooke will work through the letter PM readers where she will use her TouchChat to locate words using pathways on her Touchchats.

Brooke is an Improver as she confidently works her way through the letter PM books, using her Touch Chat to locate words on her Touch Chat. To locate unfamiliar words this is modelled by an adult using the pink Touch Chat and then she is encouraged to find it herself. Brooke is thoroughly enjoying the reading rotation, she is motivated and likes to look at the Level 1 and 2 PM readers during this time as well.

Next Steps: Brooke will continue to work through the letter PM readers and locate words using the pathways on her Touch Chat. I would like to see Brooke eventually progress onto Level 1 and 2 books in the future.

3.Brooke will learn to write a narrative,using Colourful Semantics symbols.

Brooke is an Achiever when forming a narrative using Colourful Semantics symbols. Firstly Brooke watches and listens to a narrative, such as a fairy tale, She then makes alterations to the characters, theme, or details of the plot, resulting in the creation of her own narrative using a Colourful Semantics visual word bank created on BoardMaker to choose from. Brooke has enjoyed this activity this term and this is demonstrated in her motivation to complete the task.

Next Steps: Brooke will learn how to construct a letter to a friend using a Colourful Semantics visual word bank created on BoardMaker.

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